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Looking for Work? Get the Right One With These Programmes

Searching for jobs? Here are three WSG Government schemes that will boost your chances of getting one that fits you.

There are over 100,000 jobs available on MyCareersFuture. Apply for your next job role here!

2. Entering a new sector

Professional Conversion Programmes (PCP offer Professionals, Managers, Executives, and Technicians (PMETs), including mid-career switchers, skills training and upgrading to move into sectors with good prospects.

3. Searching for a mid-level PMET job?

Career Support Programme (CSP) helps Singapore Citizen Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs) who are unemployed and actively looking for jobs for six months or more, to take on new jobs with a gross monthly salary of at least $4,000 ($3,600 for SMEs)

WSG Government Support Schemes

Find more jobs like these at
MyCareersFuture Job Portal