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3 minute read

May 12, 2021

3 Steps to Change Careers and Land That New Job

Changing industries can be daunting to even think about, but you do not have to make any big decisions just yet.

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Steps to Change Careers and Land That New Job

If you’ve been feeling unhappy in your work of late, it could be a good time to look deeper into your transferable skills and identify how they can be applied elsewhere — be it a new role, company or even industry.

Here’s how you can make the change.

Step 1: Get a feel of where you want to go

Take the time to reflect and get to know yourself better. What do you see yourself doing in the long run? Explore what you are passionate about to discover where you want to go next.

Find your reason behind the work to help narrow your choices down. Whether it is something lofty, such as to be a positive change in the world, or something more practical, such as earning more money, your reason directs you towards the career change you want.

Work that you enjoy can bring you a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. If the new job you are considering will give you these, you’re possibly in the right direction. The next step then is to consider the more practical and technical aspects of changing industries, such as whether your skills can move with you.

If you’re looking for roles in customer service, data analysis, project management, recruitment, supply chain and sales development, LinkedIn’s new Skills Path service allows you to upskill with free courses, and validate these skills with assessments, to help you become more noticeable to potential employers.

To get linked up to this LinkedIn service, click here!

Step 2: Gather your transferable skills

Transferable skills are skills that are applied across a wide range of roles. These are skills you already possess that you can apply to a new role as you shift industries. These include interpersonal skills, organisational skills, and analytical skills.

Find your strengths and see how they can help you excel in a different work environment. If you have excellent people skills, for example, a role where you handle clients or customers would be fitting. If you work well under pressure, sales could be for you.

Having competence in the skills necessary for your next dream role will give you a boost in the hiring process. And knowing you can do a job well can give you the confidence and motivation to push forward.

Looking for a job? Explore a range of career opportunities with Career GRIT. Connect with hiring employers at various career events such as walk-in interviews, virtual job interviews, virtual career fairs, and many more!

Step 3: Look for ways you can explore

There are many ways you can gradually introduce yourself to new industries. Gain more insight through online classes or introductory short courses. To develop relevant skills, sign up for workshops or short-term training. If you know someone in the industry you are keen in, ask if you can tail them for a day. Find companies that offer internships or volunteer positions to get a feel for your possible future role.

Remember, it is okay to ask for help. If you are still feeling unsure, scheduling an appointment with a career or recruitment consultant is always an option. They have in-depth insights into the job landscape, the industries you are interested in and the opportunities available. They can also give you advice on what to expect.

It is never too late to chase your goals and discover work that matters to you.

This article is contributed by

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