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5 minute read

March 12, 2023

4 Reasons Why Working Mothers Should Stay in the Workforce

Thinking about becoming a working mum? From financial security to living a more fulfilled life, these reasons explain why staying in the workforce could be your best move.

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a mother with a baby working from home

Leaving behind the workforce is a choice some women make once children enter the equation. However, becoming a successful working mother is more achievable than ever, with flexible business structures, digital technology and evolving attitudes supporting your needs.

Alongside supportive tax relief schemes like the Working Mother’s Child Relief (WMCR), maintaining your career and caring for your children is now a realistic option. Here, we explore the best reasons for Singaporean mothers to remain in the workforce while they raise their kids.

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The best reasons for mothers to stay in the workforce

Staying in the workforce has proved an excellent decision for countless Singaporean mothers. By developing a detailed understanding of your personal situation and reflecting on your goals, you can make the right move for your needs and your family’s.

1. Increased financial security

Many families don’t have the luxury of giving up a significant part of their household income. As the cost of living in Singapore increases in step with the global economic downturn, generating a comprehensive picture of your financial situation will make your decision to remain a working mother far simpler.

With numerous studies exploring the positive relationship between financial security and mental health, safeguarding your budget might be best for your family and well-being. Plus, the added financial freedom means you can invest more in your child’s future.

2. Being a positive role model

Don’t underestimate the positive impact working mothers can have on their children. As countries like Singapore push for greater gender equality, showing your kids how you can balance their needs and achieve your professional goals is a powerful statement.

According to a landmark Harvard University study from 2015, which surveyed more than 30,000 people across 24 countries, the daughters of working mothers are more likely to have jobs, work in positions of authority and earn higher wages.

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3. Achieving work-life balance

Maternal guilt is a feeling experienced by many working mothers, but don’t let this emotion keep you from pursuing your career aspirations. As long as your children still receive the support they need, there’s no reason why you can’t work towards your career aspirations too.

As your children grow, they’ll learn to be more responsible, while the time you spend together could become more satisfying.

4. Feeling more fulfilled

Becoming a mother and raising your children right is bound to give you immense satisfaction. But women with personal goals outside of raising a family can experience hard times when they give it away to become full-time caregivers.

For example, stay-at-home mums experience higher rates of depression, stress and sadness than those who stay in the workforce. With so much of our self-esteem connected to work and professional development, keeping in touch with your career could be a wise decision.

How to know whether work makes sense for you

Still unsure about staying in the workforce after childbirth? Below, we provide a few helpful tips to ensure you make the right move for your family and personal needs.

1. Consider your goals

Don’t be afraid to admit your life doesn’t entirely revolve around raising a family. If you have aspirations to rise to the top of the industry or simply want to maintain a balanced lifestyle outside of your home, choosing to pursue a career can be wonderfully fruitful.

2. Know your financial situation

You can’t have complete confidence in returning to work if you don’t know your financial situation. If you have a partner, having an honest conversation about goals and expectations is good. This way, you can come to a unified decision about your shared future.

3. Reflect on your support system

Being a working mother becomes increasingly possible when you have a strong support network. For instance, dedicated grandparents can help reduce childcare costs while you’re at work. Consider your network to determine whether working is the right fit.

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