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5 minute read

June 7, 2024

Are You Ready for a Mid-Career Industry Switch? Take this Quiz to Find Out

Thinking of making a mid-career industry switch? Take our quiz and discover if you’re primed for the big career move!

career switch

Considering a mid-career industry switch can be both exciting and daunting. Whether you’re seeking new challenges, better opportunities, or a more fulfilling path, assessing your readiness for such a significant change is crucial.

We understand that making a big career decision like this is difficult, so we’ve prepared a quiz to inject fun into your decision-making process.

If you’re keen to learn more about making a mid-career industry switch, we highly recommend that you read this article, but before that! Here’s a quiz designed by us to guide you on making the big career move. 

Career coach Wilson Chai from AngusKnight Singapore (AKG), a career matching provider under Workforce Singapore, gives his take too!

Please note that this quiz is designed to be a fun way to guide your decision-making process and it is not intended as a professional diagnostic tool. Have fun!

Take the quiz: Are you ready for a mid-career industry switch?

How it works:

Pick the response that resonates most with you based on the scenarios given. Each response has a number tagged to it. Simply add all the numbers to your answers and compare them to the results chart at the end of the questionnaire!

Tally Your Points!

Ready for a career switch but not sure where to start? Explore WSG’s Career Conversion Programmes to get skills upgrading opportunities and salary support during your switch. Sign up now!

Looking for career guidance? If you are exploring career changes and need professional advice, register for a complimentary session with WSG’s Career Coaching today.

Love what you are doing and want to make your career greater? Polaris empowers you to achieve sustainable career growth through personalised career guidance. Sign up today!

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