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5 minute read

August 16, 2022

Stronger Together: National Day Wishes from the Workforce!

As we celebrate Singapore’s 57th National Day, it is important to remember how we overcame challenges together as a united and resilient workforce.

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The sudden emergence of Covid-19 in 2020 has greatly impacted the global economy. Closer to home, the workforce experienced a great shift as businesses slowed or simply closed down, and job losses became inevitable. 

Amidst the uncertainty, the Singapore government ensured that every Singaporean was taken care of. On the employment front, programmes like the Jobs Support Scheme and Jobs Growth Incentive were rolled out to help every worker and jobseeker remain employed and find employment respectively. 

Feeling motivated to embark on your job search? Log in and explore over 100,000 job postings on MyCareersFuture!

Today, with the easing of the Safe Management Measures, it seems that we may have sailed past the worst, or maybe we have not. Nevertheless, Singaporeans are resilient and always united in their resolve. As PM Lee Hsien Loong said in his National Day speech this year:

“This is how we do things in Singapore – always daring to dream, setting our sights on the next frontier, and searching for better solutions and fresh possibilities.” 

This National Day month, we bring you wishes from some employers hiring on the MyCareersFuture jobs portal and former jobseekers who have benefitted from WSG’s programmes. 


  “As we celebrate Singapore’s 57th National Day, let’s continue to reinvent ourselves, stay future-focused and work together as one nation to drive the growth and transformation of Singapore’s economy for the future.”

-Bridget Wong, Head of HR, Accenture Singapore

  “Wishing everyone a happy National Day! Be absolutely passionate about what you’re doing, and focus on your determination and skills to solve meaningful problems, and doing good at scale.”

-Marcus Tan, Co-Founder, Carousell

  “Happy 57th Birthday, Singapore! I would like to wish the very best to every jobseeker as the Singapore workforce moves forward into the post-pandemic future. Channel what you have learned in school toward your career and follow your passions. Make a difference by contributing to the breakthroughs powering tomorrow’s innovations.”

-Joanne Kan, Director of Talent Acquisition, Micron Technology


“With Singapore being Google’s Asia Pacific headquarters, we’re incredibly proud to have many talented and diverse Singaporeans working on products that are improving many people’s lives worldwide. We remain committed to empowering Singaporeans today for tomorrow and developing skilled talents through programs like Skills Ignition SG. From all of us at Google, here’s wishing everyone a wonderful National Day and all the best in your career journeys.” 

-Christine Lim, Executive Recruitment Lead, APAC, Google


  “Happy National Day! Wish you all the best in your career journey. Be passionate, build relationships and persevere when facing adversity.  Make it happen!”

-(Left) Sumit Ray, Vice President, Procurement, Dell and (Right) Lena Yam, Vice President,  Sales, Dell


  “Happy 57th Birthday, Singapore! Wishing all jobseekers and employees a fruitful and rewarding career! While Singapore constantly adapts, reinvents and grows to make itself relevant in these challenging times, let’s adopt the same strengths as our nation as we rise above the current challenges!”

-Travis Lee made a career change to the social service sector via the Professional Conversion Programme (PCP)* 

Learn more about Travis’s journey here.

*Now known as Career Conversion Programme (CCP)

  “Happy National Day Singapore! I would like to wish every jobseeker and worker all the best in your career journey. Stay focused and persevere for your own future and that of your loved ones! Never give up!” 

-Muhammad Zulkhairi, landed a role as a Programme Assistant at Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities, via the SGUnited Traineeship Programme*

*The program ceased on 31 March 2022

  “Happy 57th Birthday Singapore! Change to grow and grow to change! The MyCareersFuture jobs portal is the platform that helped me with my career change and grow professionally!”

Kenneth Lim, Product Owner, Wealth Management Core Platform, Standard Chartered.

  “Happy National Day Singapore! To every job seeker out there, Do not give up! Learn, upskill & persevere. With the right effort, everyone gets their fair shot. All the best and Majulah Singapura! Oh, I found my current job via the MyCareersFuture jobs portal!”

Jiyad Hussain, Technical Program Manager, Meta

  “This National Day, I would like to wish every jobseeker out there all the best in finding the right job for yourself. Although it can be challenging, never give up! There are channels of support that you can tap into. Things will only get better. I’m speaking from my own experience.”

William Tan, made the transition from being an employer to becoming an employee at Advancer amid the pandemic in 2021.

Learn more about William’s career journey here.

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