A well-positioned Unique Selling Proposition (USP) can help you stand out from the crowd, and be the deciding factor if you are shortlisted for an interview. Here’s how you can develop a well-balanced portfolio of achievements and skills.
Achievements and awards
- Look back at your experiences
- Note the achievements you are most proud of
- Be specific and back up your achievements with numbers and statistics
- Example: Implemented RPA in medicine dispensing, resulting in annual cost savings of $0.5 million (2017)
Career skills
- List the skills you gained in your previous jobs
- Consider specialised or technical training that you might have attended
- Ensure that your listed skills are relevant to the job requirements
- Example: Certified SCRUM Master; Proficient in BIM and Autocad 3D modelling; HR Operations and Process standardisation
You can identify the set of skills companies are looking for by researching the profile of people who are successful in that role. What skills and personal qualities do they possess? What does it say about the organisation’s values and direction?
Want to get more advice crafting a resume and portfolio? Speak to our WSG career coaches today.
Ask yourself:
- What am I good at?
- What skills do other people compliment me or associate me with?
- What am I doing that is unique and sets me apart from my peers?
You can learn more about your strengths by gathering feedback from colleagues, friends and family members. Ask them to identify your strengths, and give an example of how you have demonstrated each of your strengths. Based on what they’ve shared, can you identify a common theme?
A defining statement
After identifying your core achievements, skills and strengths, craft a short statement that effectively summarises who you are.
Example: I am an effective communicator who excels in understanding the needs of customers in the tech industry and in creating client-centric solutions to address their needs.
Finally, put your achievements, skills, and strengths on a 1-page document to effectively summarise your USP. Your USP can be adapted for your resume, social media page (e.g. LinkedIn) and even in an interview. Download a sample page of a USP to begin!
Looking for a professional opinion on your personal brand statement? A certified Career Coach can help to provide third-party feedback to improve your job search chances. Register your interest in Career Coaching here, or call 6883 5885.