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4 Must-have Professional Skills to Increase Your Chance of Getting the Job

Regardless of your career path or the industry that you work in, here are the top 4 professional skills you should hone for career success.

Business language

The clarity of your communication can greatly affect your professional image. Workers who can articulate better are more often highly evaluated and stand out more. Not only will a good command of language help you to articulate your thoughts clearly, but it also makes it easier for others to understand your motivations. You may also want to consider improving your second language to expand your portfolio to other markets.

If you have struggled with writing a business email or commanding a room during a presentation, consider taking a part-time or short-term business language course to hone both your writing and speaking skills.

Basic financing and accounting skills

Regardless of what career you’re in, you’ll need to manage budgets as you climb up the career ladder. Whether it is managing expenditure budgets or projecting manufacturing output calculations, it is always good to brush up on simple accounting and financial skills.

Many employers value workers who know how to optimise budgets effectively and are very attracted to candidates who can propose changes and initiate projects that will lead to higher revenues and lower costs.

Social media marketing

Today, everyone has a digital footprint and actively communicate with others mainly on social media apps. But your social media knowledge should not just stop at sharing funny videos or inspirational quotes with your friends and family. It is critical for professionals across all careers and industries to have good social media marketing skills to successfully navigate the digital marketing world.

Having a strong personal online brand and being able to connect with professional peers to discuss market trends and news can help build your online presence, on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. Before you know it, potential employers could be reaching out to you directly on the platform.

Data analytics

A basic understanding of data analytics would be a useful tool in your belt. Having good data analytical skills means that you have a good understanding of data trends and can map future scenarios that can help the company save costs. Data analytics courses often teach logic and problem-solving skills that you can apply in every aspect of your career, and may even open a few doors for new opportunities.

While it may look daunting, not all data analytics skills are technical and difficult to acquire. Data analytical tools are used by all companies to help make informed decisions. The most traditional form of data analysis uses spreadsheets with advanced Microsoft Excel knowledge. Most global companies use data dashboards that are powered by Hubspot and Tableau, or have built their own proprietary dashboards for sales tracking or manufacturing production. Start by finding out what are some of the commonly used dashboards in your industry, and sign up for professional courses to learn the basics.

Employers are more likely to hire candidates who know how to use different dashboards as they require a shorter onboarding and can quickly hit the ground running, so make sure to list your data analytical skills on your CVs!

This article is contributed by Randstad Singapore.

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