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To Stay or to Go? Career Coach Advice on Considering New Job Offers While Employed

Navigating job offers while employed? Get expert insights on deciding whether to stick with your current role or explore new opportunities.

Imagine this: It’s lunchtime, and you are casually scrolling through your emails on your phone. One message catches your eye with the subject line: “Job offer from ABC Company.” Intrigued, you delve into the contents, discovering that it’s from a company you had interviewed with months ago, before starting your current job.

Then, there it is – the offered salary, higher than what you’re currently earning. Now, you’re faced with a dilemma. You’re content in your current role, but at the same time, the new offers seem promising.

If you’re facing this scenario right now, fret not, we’ve got you covered. We asked Daphne Ong, a seasoned career coach at Ingeus, a career matching provider under Workforce Singapore, the questions that will guide your decision-making process.

Looking for career guidance? If you are exploring career changes and need professional advice, register for a complimentary session with WSG’s Career Coaching today.

1. What factors should I consider when evaluating a job offer while currently employed?

It is always exciting to receive a job offer even if you’re already employed! However, in weighing a new job offer against your current position, it is essential to consider various factors carefully. 

There’s more to a job than the pay alone.  

Assess how well the new role aligns with your career goals and values. Do take the time to consider other factors, such as job responsibilities, growth opportunities, company culture, and work-life balance. 

While salary is important, job satisfaction and your overall fit in the role will have an impact on your long-term job happiness.

2. How can I assess the potential impact of accepting a new job on my career trajectory and long-term goals?

The jobs that you take on will shape the future of your career journey! So, it is wise to evaluate how the new opportunity aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations. Consider whether the role offers opportunities for growth, skill development, and advancement. 

Also, assess the new company’s reputation and stability and how the role fits into your overall career plans. Weighing these factors will help you decide whether the new opportunity will positively impact your long-term career goals.

Want to increase your chances of nailing the job interview? Our virtual seminars can teach you effective job search strategies, enhance your personal brand, and more. Explore Career GRIT to learn more!

3. What strategies can I use to compare the benefits and drawbacks of staying in my current role versus accepting the new job offer?

When comparing your current role and a new job offer, thoroughly assess both options. Make a list of the pros and cons of each scenario, considering factors such as job satisfaction, growth opportunities, compensation, and work-life balance. 

Make a list and write down the potential risks and rewards associated with each decision. You don’t have to do it all alone, so seek input from trusted mentors, colleagues, or a career coach to gain different perspectives. 

Ultimately, the goal is to make a decision that aligns with your career objectives.

4. Are there any potential risks or pitfalls I should be aware of when transitioning from one job to another while already employed?

Transitioning from one job to another while already employed can present challenges. One risk is damaging your professional reputation if the transition is not handled carefully. It is crucial to maintain professionalism throughout the process, including giving appropriate notice and communicating respectfully with your current employer. 

Consider any legal or contractual obligations, such as non-compete agreements, that may impact your transition. By approaching the process thoughtfully and professionally, you can mitigate potential risks and ensure a smoother transition.

5. How can I effectively negotiate with my current employer if I decide to accept the new job offer?

Don’t burn bridges. If you decide to accept a new job offer, it is essential to approach negotiations with your current employer professionally and respectfully. Schedule a meeting to discuss your decision and provide ample notice of your intention to leave. 

Be honest about your reasons for considering the new opportunity and express gratitude for your time with the company. Explore the possibility of negotiating a counteroffer if appropriate, but remember to prioritise finding a solution that benefits both parties. 

Maintaining open communication and professionalism throughout the negotiation process is key to ensuring a positive transition.

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Need support in your career journey?

Navigating your career journey in an ever-changing professional landscape can be challenging. If you’re looking for expert support, Workforce Singapore has an array of platforms specially designed to help you meet your career goals.


If you want to improve your career health, this MyCareersFuture feature is designed to help you better plan your upskilling and career journey through personalised jobs and skills recommendations. 


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