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3 minute read

Job Searching: How to Take Control of Your Negative Thoughts

The ups and downs of job hunting might get tiresome, but what if it doesn’t have to be this way? Here’s how you can ride it out and come out top.

Whether you are unemployed or simply looking for your next role, job-hunting can take a toll on your mental health. The uncertainty can be draining, and while rejections or disappointments may be part of the process, they can impact your self-esteem and bring your motivation and mood down.

So what can be done about this? Here are 5 tips to get yourself out of that mental rut and keep going.

1. Anticipate what’s next

Most things are out of our control. But for everything else, let’s be mentally prepared. Accepting that there will be uncertainty is the first step towards handling any curveball that will come your way.

Some experts say that it can take you between three to six months to find a job, and sometimes even between 10-20 applications to get even one interview. Knowing this, set yourself a to-do list for every week and milestones to hit within those few months.

Also, make sure that you are prepared for the journey ahead. Make sure that you have the skills needed to get the jobs you are applying for, and stay up-to-date on the latest industry news. Practice answering interview questions and ensure that you have a go-to interview outfit for the occasion.

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2. Celebrate small wins, but keep going

When you’ve landed your first interview, passed the second and aced the third, don’t let this sense of euphoria cloud your view on the larger goal.

There’s still that final meeting to seal the deal. Fuel your confidence with every little victory won but keep complacency at bay.

Start every day from scratch and continuously gain new knowledge that will put you one step closer to that job you yearn for. Meet new people in your industry and always keep an eye out for new opportunities. 

Remember, the job search journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

Keep your eyes on the prize where perseverance is key. 

3. Look at the bigger picture

There may be moments when you feel like you’re going two steps forward but one step back. Be objective and put things into perspective.

Plateaus in the job hunt happen to every jobseeker. Think about this lull period as an inconvenient event that isn’t just happening to you alone. While it might feel like a hassle, ask yourself what you can still appreciate and be thankful for in the meantime. Write them down, and remind yourself of those moments of gratitude when your mood gets low.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if the interviews or the offers are not coming yet. Take stock of your efforts and stick to the plan.

Weighed down by career stress? Career guidance can be the way to you get you out of this rut. Register for Polaris today and learn more about your career needs.

4. Consider alternative opportunities

If the plan isn’t working out, try looking at your job hunt from a new perspective. If you’re in an industry that is not currently hiring, you will inevitably find it hard to get the attention of any employer. If you’re open to the idea of a career switch, consider moving to a growth industry where employers are actively hiring and more options are available. You can even consider lateral moves within the same industry, using the transferrable skills you have and your industry experience to consider other roles.

If you need help, consider career guidance as a way to learn more about your own interests and needs, and work on your long-term career plans. This may include taking some part-time roles during this lull period or taking some courses to gain the skills you lack.

5. Make time to refresh yourself

“We need to recognise that emotions tend to energise primitive, short-sighted impulsive actions, and humans live in a complicated age. Thus, we must learn to adaptively regulate the more problematic action-oriented aspects of feelings, and effectively merge them with our long-term goals and valued states of being.”

— Gregg Henriques, Ph. D., professor of psychology at James Madison University


Regardless, it’s essential to process your emotions. Amidst your hectic schedule, remember to allocate time for meditation, therapy, or a favourite activity to reinvigorate your soul.

It could even be as simple as giving yourself an uninterrupted 15-minute quality time each day to do something that is just for you.

Anything at all. A hot shower, deep soothing breaths, closing your eyes to your favourite music.

Your mind and body deserve a daily refresh. Perhaps it might be also good to just get out there and clear your head once in a while.

No man is an island, so be sure to reach out to your family, friends, or even a career coach to help sort out your thoughts. 

Remember, the more prepared you are for the unexpected ups and downs, the more likely you are to achieve success in your job search.

All the best!

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