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How to Become an Effective Executive at Work

To achieve outstanding outcomes, you must be result-oriented. You can become an effective executive by focusing on your skills, finding areas for improvement, and adhering to a few basic organisational principles. You must learn how to collaborate effectively, improve on your decision-making, better manage your time, and be outcome-driven.

Being an executive entails more than just sitting in an office and directing events from behind a desk. Engaged members of the organisation know how to get things done.

According to Peter F. Drucker, the author of the book The Effective Executive, the ability to “get the right things done” is the measure of an executive. This usually entails accomplishing what others have ignored and avoiding what is ineffective. Intelligence, inventiveness, hard work and knowledge may all be lost if not moulded into outcomes by developing thinking habits.

Drucker proposes five important techniques that must be learned:

  1. Time management
  2. Deciding what to contribute to the organisation
  3. Knowing where and how to deploy strength for maximum effect
  4. Establishing priorities
  5. Bringing them all together with efficient decision-making

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Effective executives lead by example and hone their abilities to succeed

Think about an executive you admire. Is this person so talented that it appears that they were born for the job? The truth is that effective executives are made, not born. That means you, too, can become one.

Begin by becoming more aware of yourself. Management isn’t about changing other people; it’s about setting a good example. An effective executive understands what must be done, how to implement ideas, and how to instil a sense of duty and accountability.

An effective executive understands that they will be judged on their accomplishments and chooses the best path to achieve them

The emphasis on accomplishments and outcomes diverts the executive’s attention away from daily distractions. It teaches the executive to view from the customer’s perspective or the business angle. End of the day, it is the outcome that matters.

As a result, they will begin to think like the customer or client, who is the driving force behind whatever the business delivers, whether it is economic products or services. As a result, their actions become outcome driven.

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You must make decisions and stick to them despite criticism

Executives make decisions. And decision-making begins with the most important decision: Is this a decision worth making?

You can answer this question by asking two more: What would happen if you did nothing? Would the likely outcome of your decision be worth the risks and costs?

Continue only if the answer to the second question is “yes”. Remember, choosing not to decide is also a decision.

Effective decision-makers are also aware of boundary conditions or the conditions that serve as the foundation for a decision.

Unfortunately, ineffective decision-making is all too common. As an executive, you cannot allow this to happen. It is up to you to specify who is responsible for each action. It’s also your responsibility to accept accountability for that decision.

Remember, everyone will make the wrong decision at some point.

To make the best decisions, consult others, listen to many points of view, and learn from prior experiences

As an executive, you cannot foretell the outcome of any decision. You can only take the path that seems most suited to the task at hand.

Hearing multiple points of view will help you be more open-minded when making decisions, which is why it’s crucial to work with the right people.

Finally, feedback is critical in the decision-making process. It must be incorporated into the continual testing of assumptions that underpin the choice versus real-world events. Even the best decision has a high chance of being incorrect and could become obsolete with time.

Because time is a vital commodity, make sure you minimise time-wasting activities

The only genuinely limited resource is time.

Because time is your most valuable resource, it is critical that you learn how to manage it properly.

Effective leaders do not jump onto their tasks. They begin by determining how and where they should spend their time. Planning a course of action is vital. They try to manage their time and reduce unproductive demands on their time.

Before deciding, we need to comprehend what’s at stake. Acting too quickly can waste time because if you make the wrong decision, you’ll have to go back and redo it again.

Because time is so essential, be forceful in eliminating items that waste it, such as superfluous meetings, chit-chats, or social responsibilities.

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Focus on the employees’ strengths when creating a thriving working environment

No organisation is established or relies on a single person. As an executive, you will always have to rely on the contributions of other colleagues.

Delegation is important, but make sure you delegate to the right person and in a way that promotes a more collaborative working atmosphere. It’s about utilising a person’s strengths rather than simply having them do your job for you. Delegate only when someone is better than you at a task, or when you trust them to deliver at an acceptable standard with little supervision and make sure that they have the time and resources to complete the project.

To achieve outstanding outcomes, you must be result-oriented

You can become an effective executive by focusing on your skills, finding areas for improvement, and adhering to a few basic organisational principles. You must learn how to collaborate effectively, improve your decision-making, better manage your time, and be outcome driven.

This article is co-created by NexPage, a translated book summary app, and Workipedia by MyCareersFuture.

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