20 self-care tips when job-hunting
If you’re looking for ideas to keep positive and healthy amidst your job applications and interviews, try some of the suggested activities on this list! Good luck!
1. Pick up a new hobby
2. Celebrate small achievements
3. Reward yourself with something you love
4. It’s OK to say ‘no’ sometimes
5. Enjoy some alone time
6. Eat healthy foods
7. Sleep early
8. Surround yourself with nature
9. Exercise regularly
10. Enjoy screen-free activities
11. Don’t beat yourself up over rejections
12. Journal your reflections
13. Declutter your home
14. Laugh regularly!
15. Journal your reflections
16. Doodle or make art
17. Read a book
18. Solve puzzles
19. Spend time with loved ones
20. Listen to your favourite songs
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