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6 minute read

September 23, 2019

Starting a New Job: 7 Tips to Making a Great Impression

“Congratulations! You are hired!”

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Starting new job

For jobseekers, nothing could be sweeter than hearing those four words.

It’s an affirmation of your skills – a pat on the back that says, “You’re good and we want you on our team.”

After a few days though, the excitement may die down with panic and nervousness soon taking its place. As your starting date comes near, you may feel overwhelmed about the prospect of starting a new job.

Don’t worry, that is normal.

Know that these feelings are expected for somebody in your position, so just chill!

Lucky for you, this article will help you calm the jitters and help you succeed on your first few days (and months) at your new job:

1. Dress to impress

It pays to prepare ahead of time. Once you have received an offer, ask the hiring manager about the company’s dress code.

Nowadays, some companies have relaxed requirements when it comes to clothing while some prefer a more formal style. Follow your new company’s rules on clothing.

Do stay on the safe side, however, if your company’s policies are less formal by adopting a “dressy casual” aesthetic for your first few days or weeks.

You can just adapt the office’s norm later when you have acclimatised to your new environment.

2. Relax

A little bit of nervous energy is good, even expected when faced with something new. That means it is important to you and that you care about the outcome.

However, too much of it can make things hard for you.

If you’re having a difficult time shaking your first-day jitters, you may want to do some relaxation techniques before you start your new job.

Plan the weekend before you start for some pampering activities or light-hearted fun to help calm your nerves. A spa excursion, perhaps?

Exploring ways to enhance work-life balance? WSG regularly organises career-related events and workshops to help you manage. Join us here.

3. Be confident

Here’s another trick to help you calm down: Remember that the hiring managers already liked you (that’s why you got hired).

They must have seen something impressive in you during the application process.

You got the offer because they deem you as a valuable addition to the team so you have nothing to worry about.

Believe in your capabilities and the skills that you’ll be bringing to your new office and know that you are valued by them.

Face this new chapter in your life with a big smile and an open mind because you’re going to be just fine!

4. Show enthusiasm for the new job

Start off on the right track by pairing your confidence with an enthusiasm and drive for your new role.

Come to work on time, establish a good attendance record, and do participate if your company offers orientation exercises for the new hires.

Show them that they’ve made the right choice to pick you by listening attentively and asking questions if necessary.

When you start receiving assignments, be open and take them on with confidence.

You may not get the big projects right away, but do take on every task that comes your way with the right mindset.

Read Also: Career Lessons for First-Time Jobseekers

5. Dazzle them with your performance

You may already be hired and considered a part of the company but in essence, you are still in the middle of your interview. It’s true!

HubSpot founder Dharmesh Shah advises newbies during their first few days in the company to behave like they were still under the company’s application process.

“Think of your first 30 to 90 days as an extended interview. Show up every day thinking you need to prove you deserved to be hired.”

– Dharmesh Shah, founder of HubSpot

Unlike in a regular interview, this time you are now expected to back up and show concrete examples of your responses now that you are working.

You are still in a transition period for this company and for several months your performance and attitude will be constantly monitored by your superiors.

This part of the hiring process helps them decide whether they would take you as a permanent member of the company, so do your tasks well, exceed your boss’ expectations if you can, and accomplish them on time.

If there are things that are unclear to you, don’t hesitate to ask. Seek out assistance if you need help. Take notes so you won’t have to ask again in the future.

It must be pointed out though that initiative and self-reliance will go a long way when trying to impress the higher-ups so also try to do things on your own even if you’re new.

Bosses will often appreciate fresh insights from new hires so don’t be shy to voice out your ideas or work on projects by yourself.

Use it as an opportunity to impress them even more.

6. Reach out to your colleagues

A simple “hi” or “hello” will go a long way when you find yourself in a new job. Don’t shy away from asking questions.

Your co-workers know and understand that as a newbie that you may need some assistance about your new office’s processes…for the most part.

Read Also: 4 Simple Steps to Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

You must also realise that you are going into a place where roles and relationships are already established and that some, may not be too welcoming to new people.

Know that this is all right and that it is not your fault if you get that type of treatment.

Perhaps they’re also shy like you and are just waiting for the right moment to approach you. Just remember what our parents taught us when we were little: just be nice and friendly.

Extend help and pitch in even when not asked, join when you get asked for lunch, and best of all, smile.

7. Be thankful

Finally, nothing beats giving genuine gratitude to the people who helped us along the way.

From the hiring managers who gave you the offer, the HR staff for assisting you in your transition, your supervisor for providing guidance in your new role, to your colleagues for supporting you in this endeavour — thank them for guiding you through the ropes in your first few days on the job.

Your skills and talents may have gotten you through the door but to succeed in your career, you must take time to appreciate those who were there for you from the start.

Keep these tips in mind and you are sure to get off to a great start.

Good luck on your first day at work!

This article is contributed by

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