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Unlocking Success: The Power of Behaviour-Based Interviews for Employers

Discover how behaviour-based interviews can revolutionise your hiring process, providing deeper insights into candidates and ensuring better team fits.

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Interviewing is often considered the most critical stage of the hiring process. It’s the phase where you get to assess a candidate beyond what’s written on their resume. A fantastic tool for conducting thorough assessments is Behaviour-Based Interviewing. In this article, we will explore the significance of behaviour-based interviews and how they can help employers select the right candidates for their teams.

Why behaviour-based interviews?

Behaviour-based interviews are an effective method for several reasons:

1. Accurate predictions

These interviews are proven to predict job success more accurately than traditional interviews. This accuracy is due to their focus on real-life scenarios, where candidates have to demonstrate their actual behaviours and skills.

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2. Reducing biases

Traditional interviews often involve subjective judgments and biases. Behaviour-based interviews, on the other hand, emphasize objective decision-making based on facts. You can make more informed hiring choices by assessing a candidate’s past behaviour.

3. Insight into key traits

Behaviour-based interviews provide valuable insights into a candidate’s problem-solving abilities, adaptability, interpersonal skills, and much more. This deeper understanding is crucial in identifying candidates who align with your company’s culture and values.

Crafting effective questions

To conduct effective behaviour-based interviews, you need to craft relevant questions. Let’s compare a traditional question with a behaviour-based one to understand the difference:

Traditional Question: “Tell me about your strengths.”

Behaviour-Based Question: “Can you share an example of a time when your strengths helped your team achieve a challenging goal?”

The behaviour-based question invites candidates to share concrete experiences, revealing their skills, decision-making abilities, and actions. It’s easy for candidates to list their strengths, but when they have to provide a specific example of how they used those strengths to achieve a goal, it paints a much more detailed and accurate picture of their abilities.

Assessing the right candidate

Assessing candidates effectively is crucial in the hiring process. Here’s how to do it:

1. Consistency

Look for patterns in a candidate’s behaviour across different scenarios. For critical skills, consider asking for examples in multiple rounds of interviews. If the candidate repeatedly shares the same example, it may indicate they lack extensive experience with that particular skill. Pay close attention to whether their approach aligns with your company’s values.

2. Results

Assess the outcomes of the candidate’s actions. Did their behaviour lead to positive results? Effective behaviour-based questions often lead to discussions about tangible accomplishments, allowing you to gauge the impact of their actions.

3. Self-awareness

Pay attention to whether the candidate is aware of how they used a particular skill or strength to achieve their results. The most important part of their answer should be the specific actions they took in a given situation. This not only demonstrates self-awareness but also provides insights into their problem-solving abilities.

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4. Feedback

It’s essential to gather input from all interviewers involved in the process. Different perspectives can help ensure a well-rounded assessment of the candidate. Encourage interviewers to focus on the candidate’s behaviours and their alignment with the company’s requirements.


Behaviour-based interviews are a powerful tool for identifying the right candidates for your organisation. By delving into a candidate’s past experiences and actions, these interviews enable you to make more informed hiring decisions. Craft effective questions that encourage candidates to share specific examples and assess them consistently by looking for patterns, evaluating results, gauging self-awareness, and seeking feedback from the interview panel.

In conclusion, behaviour-based interviews offer a more accurate and comprehensive method for selecting the right candidates. By applying this approach and ensuring that your interview process is well-structured, you can build a stronger and more successful team. So, the next time you’re looking to hire, consider the power of behaviour-based interviewing to find the perfect fit for your organisation.

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