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5 minute read

December 17, 2022

How to Plan Your Paternity Leave Effectively

Fathers in Singapore are typically eligible for two weeks of government-paid paternity leave. Here’s how you can seamlessly navigate your temporary departure with your employer.

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Knowing how paternity leave works in Singapore is essential for soon-to-be fathers. With the government providing two weeks of paid paternity leave to eligible applicants, including those self-employed, you’ll have time to bond with your child and support your partner through this demanding time.

However, with many people’s professional and personal lives blending, knowing how best to navigate paternal leave alongside your work commitments can be challenging. Here, we explore how paternity leave works in Singapore and provide tips on organising it effectively with your employer.

How much paternity leave are fathers entitled to in Singapore?

From 1 Apr 2025, all eligible working fathers will receive 4 weeks of Government-Paid Paternity Leave (GPPL), to be taken within 12 months from child’s date of birth (inclusive of date of birth).

It is capped at a weekly rate of $2,500, including Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions.

However, you’ll need to review the following eligibility criteria before informing your boss of your intention to apply for paternity leave:

  • The baby must be a Singaporean citizen.
  • You must be married to the child’s mother between conception and birth.
  • Fathers must have worked for the same employer continuously for 90 days or more before the birth of their child.
  • Self-employed fathers must have worked for at least 90 days before the child’s birth, and must have lost income during the paternity leave period..

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How to use your paternity leave

Arrangement 2 weeks GPPL
Default, without any mutual agreement Take 2 continuous weeks within 16 weeks after the birth of the child.
Flexibly, by mutual agreement Take 2 continuous weeks any time within 12 months after the birth of the child.

Split the 2 weeks into working days and take them in any combination within 12 months after the birth of the child.

Calculating actual leave days 2 weeks X the number of working days in the week.

Capped at 6 working days per week.

What about shared parental leave in Singapore? 

From 1 April 2025, the current shared parental leave scheme will cease and be replaced with a new scheme. The new scheme comprises 10 weeks of paid parental leave, shared between both parents. It will be implemented in two phases:

  • From 1 April 2025: 6 weeks of shared parental leave
  • From 1 April 2026: 10 weeks of shared parental leave

How will parents share the new SPL?

  • Each parent is allocated half of the SPL by default to encourage shared parental responsibility.
  • Parents can reallocate their share of the new SPL to each other to suit caregiving needs.
  • Changes should be submitted via LifeSG website / app within four weeks from the child’s date of birth.

What should employees take note of?

  • SPL should be consumed within the rst 12 months of the child’s birth.
  • Employees must give minimum notice of at least 4 weeks before consuming Government-Paid Maternity Leave (GPML), GPPL and the new SPL.
  • Parents should notify their employers as early as possible when they are expecting a child, and mutually agree on leave plans with employers.

Cheerful adult man in casual clothes smiling and looking at newborn baby

Tips for planning your paternity leave

Expecting a baby soon? Here are some helpful tips to ensure you plan your departure with your employer to cause the least fuss.

1. Communicate timing with the boss

Don’t leave discussions about paternal leave until the last minute. Instead, communicate openly with your employer about taking time off in the near future. This way, you can ensure everyone knows how to manage your temporary farewell.

2. Handover your tasks

Conducting a proper handover of your responsibilities before you leave is the ideal way to take paternity leave. Working alongside a colleague, you can get them up to speed on your current tasks and introduce them to stakeholders who might be concerned about your absence.

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3. Keep in the loop

Paternity leave is for spending time with your partner and child. Yet keeping up to date with the latest events at work means you won’t get caught behind once you return. Just be careful not to slide back into old habits about checking your email or getting dragged into work calls.

4. Plan your return

Four weeks might not seem like a massive amount of time, but countless things can change in a busy workplace during that period. Planning your return to the office before you depart for paternity leave ensures others can factor your presence into upcoming projects and schedules.

With your little one on the way, it can be both exciting and stressful, especially with work. As long as you begin working on your schedules ahead of time, you can ensure you have completed all the necessary before you head off for your paternal leave.

Teaming up with your wife to plan her maternal leave alongside your own time off can help make the transition more manageable.

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