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Tips for Successfully Navigating Singapore’s Maritime Job Market

Singapore’s maritime industry is experiencing a tremendous growth period. If you’re looking to find your place, check out these helpful tips to improve your skills and maximise your employability.

Singapore’s maritime industry has experienced remarkable growth in recent years. In 2022, shipping companies based in the region spent $4.3 billion, while over 30 companies established or expanded their local operations. Meanwhile, a freshly revised industry roadmap signals the sector’s expectations, with a $2 billion growth target and more than 1,000 new jobs by 2025.

Considering the outstanding performance of the sector, making your move into the area is a wise decision. But as the maritime industry job market heats up, adopting strategies that give you the best chance of success ensures you rise above the competition. Here, we provide a range of helpful tips that bring your dreams closer to reality.

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1. Networking opens doors

As more shipping companies open their doors in Singapore, forging strong industry connections ensures you land your ideal job sooner rather than later. Even if you’re still at university, there are incredible opportunities to get to know students and instructors who’ll shape the sector’s future.

While this step provides access to excellent job prospects, it’s also a chance to gain valuable insight into the field. Backed by a solid network in the maritime sector, you’ll learn from a wealth of varied perspectives and get inside information on issues set to grow more significant in the coming years.

2. Research your options

The maritime industry comprises a vast range of sectors. Before leaping into one for the foreseeable future, determine how your interests and aspirations align with each area. This way, you can focus your attention on a specific segment of the job market.

For example, you could work in the shipping sector, looking after passengers and freight traversing the globe. There are also countless possibilities in the maritime business, ranging from shipbroking and education to insurance, finance and legal services.

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3. Specialise and grow

Once you’ve researched your options in the industry, choosing to specialise in a particular area is often the best way to enhance your career prospects. Becoming an expert in shipping, port operations or maritime law could immediately make you attractive to companies that require your talents.

Although it helps to have in-depth technical knowledge, don’t overlook the importance of soft skills. As the maritime industry involves a myriad of highly collaborative roles, developing outstanding talents in communication, problem-solving, and leadership can only benefit your job search.

4. Upskill with industry certifications

Whether you’re looking to enter the maritime industry for the first time or receive the promotion you always wanted, upskilling with additional certifications is the perfect way to take your skills to the next level. Naturally, this helps you stand out during the recruitment process.

Fortunately, there’s an enormous range of certifications to explore. Completing a short course like Maritime Risk Assessment, Marine Engineering for Non-Engineers, or Crewing Management can quickly enhance your learning while diversifying your skillset.

5. Find an internship or traineeship

Prepare for a fruitful career with an internship or traineeship at an organisation relevant to your professional goals. Here, you’ll learn the foundational skills needed to succeed and establish a thriving network of influential figures in the sector.

Before you embark on this search, you must produce an attractive resume and cover letter tailored specifically to the maritime industry. This will increase your likelihood of landing an interview with a top-notch company that boosts your early career.

6. Get proactive

The maritime industry is highly competitive, so you must proactively achieve your goals. There’s no need to wait for a company to advertise for a position. If your skills are the perfect fit for an organisation, get in touch directly to see what opportunities are available.

Even if they don’t have a role for you, there’s a good chance your talents suit a job that comes up in the future. Meanwhile, being active in online communities like LinkedIn ensures you are noticed by recruiters and other industry figures.

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